Agricultural Folks Have Also Taken a Liking to Ebikes

Generally, lifestyles in rural farms are characterized as full of activities. Yet even in these areas, there’s been an increased demand for electric bicycles. Apparently, a lot of rural folks have taken a liking to using a high-powered, mountain ebike for off-road travels, especially during non-farming seasons when the weather is less than friendly but still requiring one or two daily farm visits.

In fact, ebikes have become the motor vehicle for many people living in rural areas, where public transport is not available and where gasoline shortage often happen. Agricultural folks whose farming activities are on-hold during off-season, are less wary of pedalling their way to the farm as a form of exercise, once they hit the rocky dirt roads.

The fat tires that come with the latest models have given rural folks a go-anywhere means of transport that is safe to use even in the snow. The greater appeal of fat tire ebikes is that they can be taken for a ride on any kind of terrain, whether on flat pavement, on muddy backwood trails or on sandy shorelines.

Well anyway, to better understand why electric mountain bikes have become quite a hit in rural areas, let’s take a closer look at one of the top selling high-powered ebikes that many in the farming business regard as the best fit to use in their non-farming activities. Moreover, there are emountain bikes that are affordably priced at less than $1000, which also fits the budget of most agricultural folks.

The ECOTRIC Fat Tire Bike for Snow, Beach and Mountain

This ECOTRIX fat tire model is highly dependable even when ridden in snow, on mountain trails or on sandy shorelines Riders of this motor-powered bicycle find the experience of running on tough roads and hilly areas still comfortable because the padded saddle is adjustable. The diamond-loophole design of the weatherproof, anti-slip fat tires have stronger grip and greater traction.

The more important feature is the 500-Watt brushless gear motor that provides pedal-assist when riding in snow or when managing an uphill climb. Pedal-assisted travel on regular roads can achieve a legal speed of 23 mph.

Actually, this ECOTRIX model by Ancheer also has a walk-assist mode which farmers find helpful when needing to conduct inspection on foot. The walk-assist mode makes it less cumbersome to move and navigate the bike while walking.

What makes this ECOTRIX mountain bile safe to ride, are the two braking systems, the outage and the mechanical. The dual braking systems ensure prompt but secure stoppage to keep the rider safe from injuries or possible accidents.

One of the reasons why this brand model is one of the best mountain ebikes to use in rural areas is its removable 36-volt lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery.  It can cover a distance of up to 22 miles for a single charge, which is more than enough to complete a day’s farm trip.

Actually, there’s another ECOTRIP electric bike designed for any terrain, with basically the same features except for its Shimano 7-Speed Lithium-ION Battery; and still affordable at a less than $1000. Readers interested to learn more about the best ebikes that are highly in demand nowadays will find more information at this web page: .
