Waste Management: From Farming To Bowling Alleys

The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) would like to promote the better and more extensive energetic use of residues and waste materials from agriculture.

“129 million tons of manure from cattle, pig and poultry houses and 28 million solid manure as well as large amounts of straw and other crop residues, landscape maintenance material and green cuttings from public areas offer enormous biogas potential. Up to now, however, only around a third of the residual and waste materials have been used, ”explains the managing director of the Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e. V. (FNR), Dr.-Ing. Andreas Schütte, the challenge. With a nationwide call for funding coordinated by the FNR, the BMEL has now initiated innovative research and development projects aimed at promoting the mobilization and increased use of agricultural residues and waste streams.

A broad approach

With the research and development projects now funded, a broad approach is being pursued in order to make the use of residual and waste materials from agriculture a success. The projects range from technology and process development in biogas production and digestate processing to the testing of new substrates and substrate mixtures to information processing and provision in order to better balance potential, supply and demand for biogas substrates and digestate.

Waste Management in Bowling Centers

A bowling alley is a place where people go to have fun. It’s a place where family and friends can bond, share laughs, and enjoy the company of others. Despite this, many bowling alleys are seeing high levels of waste products that cannot be disposed of in their usual methods. Because bowling balls can’t be recycled or reused by other facilities, these materials must be disposed of properly so as not to cause harm to the environment.

A bowling center that has a snack bar or a restaurant generates different kinds of waste depending on the activities that take place. Bowling lanes produce general trash from food waste to water waste. Not to mention disposal of old bowling balls and pins. The general trash consists of paper, cardboard, plastic bags, and other types of waste that can be easily disposed of. These materials are simply put in the garbage cans or dumpsters used by the bowling centers.

Bowling Center Recycling

Recycling at bowling centers is important for the environment, as well as to help reduce waste management costs. Recycling helps you create a positive impact on the environment and stay ahead of your competitors in terms of waste management services.

Recycling Bowling Balls and Pins

The bowling center may be able to reuse the old bowling balls and pins by offering them as prizes for bowlers. They can also use them in their leagues and tournaments, or simply give away as gifts to their customers. Bowling centers that have a bowling alley can also use them to teach bowlers how to properly throw the ball and get better at the game.

Bowling Balls and Pins Disposal

Disposing bowling balls and pins are an important part of waste management. Bowling lanes don’t have a place to store them, so they must be disposed of properly. This is one area where the bowling center can improve its waste management system by investing in proper storage units for these materials.


Waste management is a critical aspect of business operations. Some businesses may not have the financial resources to invest in waste management equipment, but that doesn’t mean they can’t take steps to improve their waste management system. By investing in proper collection bins, recycling centers, and waste management equipment, you can help your business be more efficient in its waste management efforts.
