A Closer Look at the Sustainability of LED Display Advertisements
Sustainability in business methods and practices has been a byword ever since global leaders came to an agreement to reduce their country’s CO2 and GHG emissions. The elimination of paper use for one was one of the early changes adopted by the Green Movement. Today, businesses are now using LED display advertisements such as LED posters, LED signages and LED billboards, eliminating paper use.
According to researchers, businesses are capable of collectively producing a ton of paper wastes by using as many as 200k sheets or 400 reams of paper within a year. Annual paper usage actually makes use of 26,281 litres of water and takes down 17 trees. Moreover, when paper wastes rot in landfills, they produce methane gas. This greenhouse gas (GHG) has been measured to be 25 times more toxic than carbon dioxide or CO2.
What Exactly are LED Display Advertisements?
A led poster or a led signage can be seen indoors or outdoors in business establishments usually in urban environments. The main purpose of LED display adverts is to provide information and at the same time present them as forms of enticements.
Although LED lighting is already being used by farmers in rural areas, the agricultural applications of LED lights focus on altering the way plants grow to improve the quality and taste of the agricultural produce. .
In urban settings, a LED poster or signage is set up as a colorful freestanding digital display; or installed in an interactive workspace. They are shown in digital screens and are versatile, as they can take form in adaptable structures, such as columns and billboards.
In contrast to conventional outdoor advertising, LED-based advertising content is presented by way of dynamic, high quality video clips and/or films. Inasmuch as LED-lighted content presents attractive and eye-catching digital images and clear information, they easily capture the attention of passers-by.
In many cases, some consumers are too timid to go inside and ask for information about the products they are looking to buy. Mainly because they are still in the process of looking around. Some consumers are wary of aggressive sales staff who tend to hard sell.
Such situations can make potential customers uncomfortable that more often than not, they leave the store without making a purchase. A led poster containing important product information can serve as an ideal tool for all types of customers, looking to make informed decisions based on their own product or brand evaluation.
What Makes LED Adverts Sustainable?
The concept of sustainability in business pertains to tools, methods or implements that have long term serviceability value. At the same time, they allow a business to operate in an environment-friendly condition. As a whole, sustainable business methods and approaches produce positive socio-economic impacts benefiting both investors, employees and citizens of a community, particularly the consumers.